I sat down a couple of days ago to get a recipe online and it led to looking at a few blogs. I was thinking about updating mine (forgetting I needed to be cooking dinner, the real reason I sat down at the computer). Then my cute little Benjamin came in my room where I was sitting and showed me the moon sand that he was playing with. It was dumped on a microwave splash gaurd that had holes all over it and now was all over my carpet. So I quickly checked out the rest of the house and decided to take some pictures of the mess I was in and why I should never read blogs, let alone update my own. Enjoy the pics, kind of embarrasing but worthy to post in explanation of updating my blog so frequent.
For your information, I have heard a lot of screaming and crying, peeled an orange, made some chocolate milk, taken away two different knifes from Benjamin, yelled a few times, answered a few phone calls, almost gave up, but still finished this blog. That feels pretty good to accomplish something you have started. Now Benji is asking for some ice cream (it must be dinner time).
I just about fell over when I saw that you updated your blog. I LOVE it! Love the new look too. Way to go. I hope that particular day doesn't cause you to go 2 months again before blogging. (it really does get easier and quicker the more often you blog) Oh and by the way, I really like the curtains in the background. Are those the ones that you recently bought? Love the color. OK for your next blog, I want to see all angle of your cute belly!!!!!
I'm glad to see someone else's kitchen looks like mine sometimes. Glad to see your blogging :)
On days like that, that is when you look at your baby books and see the sweet pictures and say "Oh wasn't he so sweet". It does help, because no matter how much you love them stuff like that is going to happen. Don't ya just love real life. You do have cute little boys and they make us laugh. How did he ever get into that cupboard.
Hey Corrine! I saw your blog from Jilinda's and was so excited to come on over to take a peak!
Your family of boys is so DANG cute!
Is the rumor I heard from my little Gma true??? If so CONGRATS!
Sorry, I just realized I totally botched your name... Koreen!
That is so funny! It is amazing how fast kids can get into trouble!! I'm feeling good but yes I am def. craving salt. I've been starting my day with Ramen Noodles and that usually curbs the nausea pretty well. it should it has like 60% of my daily needed intake of sodium!! I heard you're having a boy! congrats!! maybe we can trade kids every once in a while to experience what it is like to raise the opposite sex. I'm sure I'll have another girl. I hope you're feeling well!! Take care~!
How are you? feelin hot and miserable? good luck with everything. thanks for your little note on our blog. We are doing well and hope you have that baby soon!!! good luck!!
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