Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Boys and Trucks

Boys and trucks.... Do I need to say more. It's their love and addiction. Here are some pictures of the truck and boys together. Benjamin is always asking his dad for a ride in his dump truck. Only we can understand his request. It is so fun to listen to Benj put his words together. What a fun, loving, and demanding little boy he is. Ryan thinks he is a little angel. I think that is funny.


Hank and Paula said...

way to go with putting the pictures with your blog. Very cool pictures of them and the trucks. I wasn't picturing the trucks that big for some reason. They are huge! Oh.....and we have looked hard at the picture you commented on with the ghost, and we see NOTHING. Now that is FREAKY! Just kidding, it is a towel they were tossing to each other. WOOOOOOO

mcbingham said...

Oh my...they are so cute!! I love the pictures of them enjoying spending time with their daddy. What isn't there to love about the big trucks?! :) I will say that it was quite the experience riding all day in the big truck with Colby in Yellowstone!!

Shawna said...

Soo Cute Koreen! On our blog I have a picture of Ryan pushing Brianna in his dump truck (in it she is wearing the outfit you gave her). Boys will be boys. Anyway, Thank you so much for the outfits for Brianna, purple is her color so you picked perfectly.

Davidson Family said...

You have three cute little angels. We loved seeing you guys and hanging out. You have a cute blog.

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