Friday, October 31, 2008

Sweetheart Tag
A)The rules are posted at the beginning.

B) Each person answers questions about their sweethearts.
C) At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.

What is your husbands name? Ryan
How long have you guys been married? 11 years this November
How long did you date? dated 2 months, engaged 3 months
How old is he? 33 this November
Who is taller? Ryan
Who can sing best? Ryan, he thinks he's real good too. Especially with his own lyrics.
Who is smarter? Depends on the topic and my mood.
Who does laundry? I do, Ryan doesn't even know how the hamper works.
Who pays the bills? Me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who mows the lawn? Mostly me.
Who cooks dinner? Me, but not tonight or tomorrow.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither of us are ever wrong.
Who kissed who first? Ryan, on the second try he suceeded.
Who wears the pants? I think Ryan does.

I tag Leslie, Sue, Kimberly, Melani, Shawna
Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not Ready for Winter

Today officially ended Chandler and Carson's football season, and it was quite a way to go out; wind, snow, rain and not a degree over 34. Both boys had a fun time this season, Chandler led his team as quarter back, while Carson played both as receiver and center for his older brother. It was a new experience for Chandler, who is very shy, to be in a position where he would tell the other players how to run the next play. So with 1 season under their belts, Chandler is ready for grid kid next year and for Carson, he is thinking that he wants to stick with motorbiking.

Last weekend was our annual cattle drive where we move cattle, for my grandpa, from Kilgore back to the desert. Once again the weather left us outside in the cold and rain. However, all wasn't lost and we were able to get in a motorbike ride and a trip to big springs before the weather settled in.

I can't wrap up this session without a few pictures of the boys actually doing work around the house (I know, it probably will cost me but I'm good with it), and a hard rockin night of guitar hereo. So take care all, and hopefully we'll get to chat with you later.

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